"Sharing stories and making connections."
Quote by
Culture.Fashion members
"Local instead of global."
Quote by
Culture.Fashion members
"Think global, act local."
Quote by
Culture.Fashion members
RCDF presented The Linen Project at Global Fashioning Assembly
By Branko Popovic
The Research Collective for Decoloniality and Fashion (RCDF) is honoured and excited to present The Linen Project (TLP) for the first Global Fashioning Assembly (GFA22) on Saturday 22 October 2022
Designer-artist Yamuna Forzani creates her own queer utopia
By Rolien Zonneveld
Rolien Zonneveld interviewed designer and artist Yamuna Forzani who creates her own queer utopia not only with her own work but also with The Utopia Ball. With this project she won the Fashion category of Dutch Design Awards 2022.
Renée Mes door Nannet van der Kleijn
By Nannet van der Kleijn
Interview met Renée Mes door Nannet van der Kleijn “Ik gebruik liever de term queer in plaats van LGBTQIA+, voor mijn gevoel is queer overkoepelend voor iedereen.”
By Mehtap Gungormez
In dialoog met de deelnemers en initiatiefnemers van OUTSIDERWEAR.
“From Scratch” by New Order of Fashion
By Zuza Nazaruk
“From Scratch” by New Order of Fashion – a step forward in fashion’s transformation towards circularity
The Future of Fashion Feels Different
By Noukhey Forster
Noukhey Forster visited presentations of two upcoming designers during Amsterdam Fashion Week in September; Roxane Mbanga and Darwin Winklaar who offered an alternative fashion presentation.
De missie van ‘lobbygroep’ Taskforce Fashion: maatschappelijke verandering dankzij mode
By Jeroen Junte
Jeroen Junte in gesprek met Branko Popovic, Iris Ruisch en Esther Muñoz Grootveld, initiatiefnemers van Taskforce Fashion, een coaltie van FASHIONCLASH, M-ODE en State of Fashion
‘The new’ isn’t chic, or is it?
By Lindy Boerman
Lindy Boerman, student at the MA Fashion Strategy of ArtEZ University of the Arts Arnhem, attended the online event by Fashion for Good x Redress event and wrote a reflection.
How the Reflow project turns Amsterdam into Europe’s testing ground for textile circularity
By Zuza Nazaruk
Zuza Nazaruk in conversation with initiators of REFLOW, a project that aims to develop circular and regenerative cities through enabling active citizen involvement and systemic change to re-think the current approach to material flows in cities.
Reframe Fashion
By Dyana Wing So
Dyana Wing So to reflected on the virtual conference RE-FRAME FASHION: Innovation in Fashion Education.
Building New Bridges & Looking Forward
By Philippe Pourhashemi
A Review of FASHIONCLASH Festival: The Digital Edition
In conversation with Ninke Bloemberg
By Nannet van der Kleijn
Nannet van der Kleijn in conversation with Ninke Bloemberg, a Fashion Curator at Centraal Museum NL and for other collective exhibitions
A garment in a magazine, is a magazine
By Dr Daphne Mohajer va Pesaran
Our Rags Magazine is a collaborative project by Aimée Zito Lema and Elisa van Joolen that investigates transformative processes, proposing new forms of collective production aimed at the reuse of discarded clothing and textiles.

June 2022-2024
External URLCircular Innovation Collective | Textile - Impact Hub Amsterdam
In the Circular Textile Innovation program, we will support the MRA region to achieve its goal of 50% circular textiles in 2030 by scaling up circular innovations using a new approach developed by Metabolic, BwB and Impact Hub Amsterdam.
- Impact Hub Netherlands
- Amsterdam Economic Board
- Clean & Unique

External URLWaag | Women in Fashion: paving the way for female entrepreneurs
Four experts discussed how to bridge the gender gap of women in leading positions, in the textile and clothing industry.
- TextileLab Amsterdam Waag
- Impact Hub Netherlands
- Clean & Unique

June 2022-2024
External URLSoTecIn Factory
Impact Hub Amsterdam is working on Social & Tech Innovation Factory for Low-Carbon & Circular Industrial Value Chains – connecting a community of mission-oriented innovators, supporting entrepreneurs and promoting social innovation in Europe.
- Impact Hub Netherlands
- New Order of Fashion
- Erasmus University Rotterdam / ESHCC / DIT
February 2023 - May 2025
External URLLocal Color Amsterdam natural dyes research
Local color is a creative research project exploring the city as an enabling environment for closed-loop small-scale production of natural dyes. Can we repurpose urban green for learning, exploring and rediscovering local natural colors around us?
- TextileLab Amsterdam Waag