Organisations cover image for Studio Palha
Organisations logo image for Studio Palha

Studio Palha
Ontwerp: Accessoires Ontwerp, Ontwerper, Kleding Ontwerp
Productie: Vezels En Grondstoffen, Kleer Makers - Naar Maat Confectie, Andere Textiel Technieken
Onderzoek: Mode En Cultuur, Circulaire Economie, Duurzame Textiel Keten, Technische Grondstoffen

Organization's description

Studio Palha is a nomadic atelier set to explore the design and craft of indigenous communities. Through design residencies, we facilitate and blossom the engagement between designers and the female artisan association of Inhambane, Mozambique.
Studio Palha.jpg

Studio Palha employees

  • Zinzi de Brouwer
    Zinzi de Brouwer