- Productie: Textieldrukker En Bewerkingsbedrijf
- Productie: Vezels En Grondstoffen
- Productie: Textiel - Kleding Atelier - Fabrikant
- Ontwerp: Textiel Ontwikkeling
- Ontwerp: Ontwerper
- Ontwerp: Kleding Ontwerp
- Marketing: Influenser
- Onderzoek: Mode En Cultuur
- Onderzoek: Duurzame Textiel Keten
- Onderzoek: Technische Kleding
- Onderzoek: Technische Grondstoffen
- Onderzoek: Circulaire Economie
Knowing Cotton Otherwise
7th of October 2022 at 10:00:00
Rokin 102
Cotton is perhaps the world's most well-known fabric, however, many stories behind cotton are less known. These untold and sometimes unexpected perspectives have been collected and brought together in the exhibition, Knowing Cotton Otherwise. Centred on collectivity and community, local artists have been invited to present work that connects and intersects with different themes relating to the story of cotton. By mixing styles and stories, Knowing Cotton Otherwise creates a multifaceted experience, inviting you to reflect, question, play and wonder.